Campionati Europei 2020-2021: ancora aperte alcune candidature


La European Triathlon Union comunica che sono ancora aperte alcune candidature per i prossimi Campionati Europei: le località interessate alle rassegne continentale delle stagioni 2020 e 2021, possono ancora avanzare la richiesta alla ETU. 

Notizia correlata:
Campionati Europei 2020-2021: la ETU apre le candidature




At our Annual General Assembly meeting we announced the venues of several 2020 and 2021 European Championships. The following events have been confirmed:

- 2020 ETU Triathlon European Championships in Tartu (elite and AG standard distance, junior individual event and elite and juniors mixed relay event)

- 2020 ETU Sprint Triathlon European Championships in Malmö (elite and AG sprint and paratriathlon)

- 2020 ETU Triathlon Youth European Championships in Alanya

- 2020 ETU Middle Distance Triathlon, Aquabike and Aquathlon European Championships in Walchsee

- 2021 ETU Triathlon Youth European Championships in Zagreb. 


So far ETU has been unable to find organisers for the following European Championship events and is therefore extending the bid process for those events till September 1st. 

- 2020 Duathlon European Championships

- 2020 Cross Triathlon (and Cross Duathlon) European Championships

(both bid requirements to be found in the 2020 Multisport European Championships bid document)

- 2020 Triathlon U23 European Championships (individual and mixed relay event)

- 2020 and 2021 Triathlon Mixed Relay Club European Championships

- 2020 and 2021 Winter Triathlon European Championships

Please do not hesitate to contact the ETU office in case you have any questions.