


Saturday 3 August

17:00 office opening
17:30 guided bike path reconnaissance
19:00 Briefing
19:30 welcome drink
20:00 closing secretary

Sunday 4 August

8:00 am office opening
8: 15/8: 45 opening change area for men 1st and 2nd battery
9:00 departure of the men's race 1st battery
9:40 start of the men's race for the 2nd battery (to be evaluated if necessary beforehand for the temperature with the women's race notice)
10:20 deadline for men and check out change area
11: 00/11: 30 opening change area for women 1st and 2nd battery
12:00 start of the women's race 1st battery
12:40 departure of the women's 2nd race battery
13:00 pasta party opening

14.20 opening of the final change area for men and women
15:00 final men 
16:00 final women
17:30 awards