Il calendario della World Paratriathlon Series del 2019 si arricchisce con la tappa di Montreal che sarà disputata il 28 giugno. In occasione della gara canadese si aprirà la finestra di qualificazione per i Giochi Paralimpici di Tokyo 2020 che si chiuderà il 28 giugno del 2020.
Montreal will host a World Paratriathlon Series in 2019ITU is pleased to announce that Montreal has joined the World Paratriathlon Series for 2019, with paratriathletes competing in the Canadian town on Friday, June 28. This will mean that the Qualification period for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games will start that same day, finishing on June 28, 2020. Montreal was one of the latest additions to the World Triathlon Series calendar, and in 2019 the best triathletes from all over the world will compete in the iconic and cosmopolitan city for the third consecutive year, but this year they will be joined by the best paratriathletes of the world. The Montreal WPS will be the third and last stop of the series this year, after Yokohama and Milano, with the paratriathletes then ready for the World Championships that will take place in Lausanne, the Olympic Capital, in August 2019. With the Montreal WPS taking place on a Friday, ITU and the International Paralympic Committee have also agreed to change the dates of the Paralympic Qualification period so that this race will be included. With this, the Qualification Period will start on June 28, 2019, to finish just one year later, on June 28, 2020.
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