Segrate Grand Prix Triathlon: online registered list with provisional number

The new Grand Prix Triathlon season starts with the 1st lap. Confirmed the debut, as for the last edition, at the Milan Idroscalo in Segrate. Appointment scheduled for April 25th with the organizational direction of Sport & Wellness - Eco Race.

The lists entered are on line with the temporary assignment of the provisional numbers: the maximum number of participants is 100 men and 75 women, according to the breakdown between Italian athletes and foreign athletes included in the competition circular. The start lists with battery subdivision will be online on April 23 at the end of the terms for substitutions and with absences communicated in the meantime.

MALE REGISTERED LIST (Provisional Number)


In this season the section dedicated to the Grand Prix has also been renewed and it will be possible to find all the information, news, regulations, winners and registration methods:


Program of the 1st lap:

Ore 18:00 Briefing and withdrawal of technical envelopes

Ore 7:15 Opening of the organizational secretariat and collection of race packages
Ore 8:00 Opening of the female transition area
Ore 8:40 Closing of the female transition area
Ore 8:45 1st female battery start
Ore 9:10 2nd female battery start
Ore 09:45 Opening of the male transition area
Ore 10:25 Closing of the male transition area
Ore 10:30 1st male battery start
Ore 10:55 2nd male battery start

Ore 14:45 Opening of the transition area for Female Gran Prix e Female YA
Ore 15:25 Closing of the transition area for Female Gran Prix e Female YA
Ore 15:30 Start Female YA
Ore 16:10 Start Female Final
Ore 16:50 Opening of the transition area for male Gran Prix e male YA
Ore 17:30 Closing of the transition area for male Gran Prix e male YA
Ore 17:35 Start Male YA
Ore 18:15 Start Male Finale
Ore 18:45 Sprint e GP Award Ceremony

 More informations here: Calendario Gare